
Search Result ( 91 - 99 from 204 )

15 July 2020

Applications open for the CIVITAS Awards 2020

The call for applications has been launched for the CIVITAS Awards 2020. These are among the most prestigious prizes for sustainable urban mobility in Europe. They provide a platform for cities to demonstrate their achievements and pioneering sustainable urban mobility activities. Winners enjoy Eur...

3 July 2020

European Commission launches public consultation on the future of transport

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the future of transport to allow both stakeholders and citizens to comment and identify their priorities. The consultation will be open until 23 September and will enable the Commission to better understand how the EU can help the sector...

25 June 2020

Encouraging sustainable mobility in Antwerp post-COVID-19

The global COVID-19 crisis has led to new challenges in the field of mobility. What will mobility look like in this new “social-distance society”? ICLEI Member Antwerp (Belgium) is being proactive. They are working to prevent mobility in the city from tilting back in favour of private c...

18 May 2020

Rome responds to COVID-19 with 150 kilometres of new cycle routes

ICLEI Members are taking on various initiatives to support their residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. ICLEI Member Rome (Italy) is no exception: the Rome City Council recently approved the construction of 150 kilometers of temporary and permanent cycle routes on the city’s main streets and ...

5 May 2020

ICLEI Europe signs joint letter calling for COVID-19 recovery to support sustainable mobility

On behalf of ICLEI Europe, Wolfgang Teubner, ICLEI Regional Director for Europe, has signed a joint letter to the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean calling for the EU’s COVID-19 exit strategy to support and advocate f...

24 April 2020

Helsinki and Oslo cut pedestrian and bicycle road deaths!

ICLEI Members Helsinki (Finland) and Oslo (Norway) have spent years working to become global leaders in safe and sustainble urban mobility. In 2019, they achieved a new milestone along this path: last year, both cities recorded zero pedestrian and cyclist deaths. Achieving this road safety mileston...

9 April 2020

New e-course on regional mobility planning starts on 20 April

Do you want to learn more about cooperation in regional mobility planning? Then sign up for a new CIVITAS e-course starting on 20 April! A kick-off webinar on the same date will introduce the course. Adopting a cooperative regional approach to mobility planning has multiple benefits for both indivi...

3 March 2020

New SUMP self-assessment tool launched

Would you like to develop a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) but are not sure where to start? Would you like to evaluate mobility planning in your city and receive tailored feedback on how to further improve? A new SUMP self-assessment tool has just launched to provide the support that cities...

21 February 2020

ICLEI Member Rome helps rugby fans travel sustainably

For the seventh year in a row, ICLEI Member Rome (Italy)’s public transport operator (Roma Servizi per Mobilità) is providing rugby fans travelling to the Italian capital for the Six Nations Championship with advice on how to reach the city’s Olympic Stadium sustainably. The shor...