
Search Result ( 145 - 153 from 252 )

8 December 2020

ICLEI Europe represented at cluster meeting of European energy transition pioneers

The European Commission's Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) brought together a number of projects working on Renewable Energy Systems in November 2020 to exchange ideas regarding their activities and discuss plans for creating a brighter future for Europe. There are many exciting new ...

27 November 2020

Entertain and engage with the Energy Transition Game

Turning the mundane into the interesting is a key aspect of public-sector initiatives that energise people, be it public employees or residents. Gamification can accomplish that! Games are fun — they are not always about winning or losing, but about engaging people in an idea and a process. Pl...

13 November 2020

Helping research reach all

In order to drive lasting and impactful change, sustainability actions must bring diverse voices together. But how to connect with different groups? And how can climate change practitioners and researchers make sure that knowledge reaches all? One step which may help is ensuring that knowledge is t...

10 November 2020

Lappeenranta co-develops toolbox for improved energy efficiency in public and private buildings

Investments in energy efficiency are often hindered by barriers such as high upfront costs, lack of access to finance, high perceived risk, lack of trust in new technologies, competing investment priorities, lack of knowledge, awareness and personal resources, and split incentives. Many of these ba...

4 November 2020

How future-proof is your policymaking?

Integrating environmental considerations into policymaking is crucial to ensure the wellbeing of citizens and the sustainable future of cities. The Directorate-General Environment, European Commission has a comprehensive news and information service called ‘Science for Environment Policy&lsquo...

6 October 2020

ICLEI Europe supports community energy as part of Europe's recovery

As part of its engagement in the ‘Community Power Coalition’, ICLEI is working with a diverse group of organisations to engage the European Commission on the issue of community energy. This alliance recently published a letter addressed to the Commission, containing ideas for a resilient...

29 September 2020

Six European cities to use ICLEI Action Fund to bolster data-driven environmental change

The ICLEI Action Fund selected six non-profit and academic organisations to carry out data-driven environmental projects in cities across Europe. The proposals were chosen based on their potential impact, contribution to the city's sustainability goals, use of data, and the level of innovation and s...

21 September 2020

Engage with ICLEI Europe at European Week of Regions and Cities 2020

Every year since 2003, the European Commission alongside the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) have hosted the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), an event for cities and regions to showcase their work and the crucial role they play in European governance. The event hosts workshops, de...

26 August 2020

Engage with experts using AI to accelerate carbon neutrality

Organisations working on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are invited to join a 'Bootcamp', which will include a number of online events, such as a matchmaking event, online seminars, and more. The Bootcamp will work to connect local governments with AI solutions that can accelerate ...