
Search Result ( 199 - 207 from 228 )

16 May 2019

Former European Green Capitals to host webinar on how to ‘future-proof’ your city

On 12 June at 14:00, the European Green Capital Network – a network of all the former European Green Capital Award winners and finalists – will welcome all cities and interested parties to its Future-proof webinar. This event is free to attend and offers guidance, insider tips and the op...

16 May 2019

Zagreb to launch Croatia’s first therapeutic urban garden

Ten years ago, a series of plots of land around ICLEI Member Zagreb (Croatia) were standing unused as they waited for redevelopment. Competition over land in Europe’s capital cities is fierce, and Zagreb is no different. So, in spring 2013, rather than leave the lots derelict, the Mayor of Zag...

14 May 2019

Last chance for cities to join the European Urban Resilience Forum

The European Urban Resilience Forum, formerly known as Open European Day, will be taking place in Bonn (Germany) on 25 June 2019. The Forum has a few spaces left, which are exclusively reserved for cities. Limited funding is available for ICLEI Member Cities. Since its first edition in 2013, the F...

10 May 2019

ICLEI Europe joins EU Green Week

Each year, the European Commission hosts #EUGreenWeek – an event that convenes a range of stakeholders and experts to engage around Europe’s sustainable future. This year’s event will centre on implementation of environmental laws, based on the Commission’s reports on the top...

3 May 2019

Share projects that are tackling urban unsustainability and injustice

Do you know of projects that address urban (un)sustainability and/or (in)justice, and would you like to share those projects with the world? Policy-makers, activists and individuals engaged in cities and who are interested in making cities better, are invited to share your knowledge and experiences...

29 April 2019

Save the Date for the 7th Informed Cities Forum

The 7th Informed Cities Forum has adopted the bold title: ‘Who profits from heritage? Communities, capital and urban space’. The Forum invites you to join more than 100 urban thinkers and practitioners from across Europe to engage around this and other questions surrounding urban regener...

15 April 2019

Registration is now open for the Governing and Financing the Sustainable City conference

Join us at the Governing and Financing the Sustainable City conference from 7-8 October 2019 in ICLEI Member City Copenhagen (Denmark). The conference will present Nordic sustainability projects to explore how cities can, and are, financing and delivering solutions to economic, social and environmen...

29 March 2019

Local energy and climate policy planning crucial to meet 2030 and 2050 targets

In October 2018, the European Union (EU) published its A clean planet for all Communiqué, outlining eight pathways on how to reach climate-neutrality by 2050. The EU has also recognised the importance of local authorities in reaching the global climate targets and is increasing efforts to str...

27 March 2019

Mannheim to host 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Mannheim (Germany) will host the 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns, which will take place in Mannheim, 30 September – 2 October 2020. The conference will demonstrate the urgent need for local governments to assume responsibility for urban tran...