
Search Result ( 253 - 261 from 380 )

17 July 2019

ICLEI Members lead index of most bicycle friendly cities

Every two years, the Copenhagenize Index – a comprehensive ranking of bicycle friendly cities – is compiled, and the top 20 bicycle friendly cities from around the world are announced. The 2019 index was recently released and, yet again, ICLEI Members lead the pack. This year, 16 out of...

15 July 2019

Malmö shares its expertise in district regeneration

For many years, ICLEI Member Malmö (Sweden) has been working to become a leader in district regeneration by transforming neighbourhoods facing challenges and decline into vibrant new hubs. Malmö experienced severe unemployment during the oil crisis in the 1970s. The former successful indu...

12 July 2019

ICLEI Europe welcomes new Member İzmir

İzmir Metropolitan Government (Turkey) is the newest city to become a Member of ICLEI Europe. İzmir, one of the largest cities in Turkey, has access to a wide-range of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and wave energy. Mindful of the serious threat of climate change, the Turkish ci...

11 July 2019

Climate conference inspires German mayors to call on national government for greater climate support

This week, Cologne (Germany) joined forces with ICLEI Members Heidelberg, Bonn, and Freiburg (Germany) to write a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel on behalf of German cities. The letter, which was co-led by ICLEI, Energy Cities, and the Climate Alliance, seeks national support for climate action. ...

10 July 2019

Tree planting has potential to have great impact on climate change mitigation says new study

A new study led by researchers in ICLEI Member Zurich (Switzerland) concludes that tree planting has the potential to have a large impact on tackling climate change. Several cities have already factored urban forests and trees into their sustainability plans, including ICLEI Members. Last year, Tir...

9 July 2019

Zagreb adopts the first SECAP in Croatia

Last month, ICLEI Member Zagreb became the first city in Croatia to adopt a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP). The city, in cooperation with the North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency, prepared an action plan that maps out 23 measures to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as 35 measu...

5 July 2019

ICLEI Members showcase low-emissions developments to visiting global cities

Cities from 18 countries spanning the globe recently successfully wrapped-up a European Study Tour organised by ICLEI Europe. The trip featured an ambitious eight-day programme with stops in ICLEI Members Helsinki (Finland), Bologna (Italy) and Warsaw (Poland). The trip kicked-off in Helsinki under...

3 July 2019

Free public transport in ICLEI Member Cities encourages more environmentally-friendly trips

In response to concerns regarding air quality, last week, ICLEI Member Strasbourg (France) made bus and tram transport free. The city had put in place a “Pic de pollution” ticket at reduced fees in support of improved air quality and pollution reduction. Exceptional weather conditions t...

2 July 2019

New handbook showcases cities leading the way towards zero-emission procurement

Three ICLEI Members have released Innovative Procurement Plans for zero-emission transport in procurement, to be implemented in the coming years. Oslo (Norway)’s zero-emissions plan covers procurement broadly; they have also released a guidance document outlining recommended environmental req...