
Search Result ( 2800 - 2808 from 2815 )

18 May 2010

Highlighting green urban development at Stockholm conference

From 19-20 October 2010 both international and Swedish professionals and city officials will be brought together at Building Sustainability, Stockholm 2010, a conference on cutting edge sustainable building projects. With Stockholm crowned the first European Green Capital by the European Commission,...

14 May 2010

Driving energy efficient central IT through public procurement

ICLEI's Sustainable Procurement team is involved in PrimeEnergyIT, a new European project co-funded by the European Commission.PrimeEnergyIT is designed to further enhance market development for energy efficient central IT, such as cooling, server, storage, power management and network equipment. Th...

12 May 2010

International Energy Agency predicts solar to generate 25 percent of world’s electricity by 2050

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar power could provide up to a quarter of the world's electricity needs by 2050, if countries put long-term policies in place to support early deployment and sustained technology innovation. On 11 May the IEA released technology roadmaps for sol...

11 May 2010

Draft political declarations presented to Dunkerque 2010 participants

With the 6th European Sustainable Cities and Towns Conference – Dunkerque 2010, just over a week away, the organisers and partners of the event have presented two draft political declarations to participants.The Dunkerque 2010 Local Sustainability Declaration pledges, “That the more than 1,000 l...

10 May 2010

Biodiversity set to reach tipping points

A major UN report has found that the Earth's ongoing nature losses may soon begin to damage national economies. The third Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3), warns that some ecosystems may soon reach "tipping points" where they rapidly become less useful to humanity.These tipping points could inclu...

7 May 2010

Barcelona provides guidance on greening events

ICLEI member city Barcelona (Spain), has published two new guides on greening events. The city explains its own experiences, refers to other good practice cases and then provides detailed advice in the form of checklists which event organisers can easily use.The first publication, More Sustainable C...

6 May 2010

Barroso praises CIVITAS Initiative at Covenant of Mayors Ceremony

Mobility was one of the topics mentioned at the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony in Brussels (Belgium), on 4 May 2010. President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, discussed the important role of mayors, describing them as the “essence and spirit of the EU”.More than 500 towns and citi...

5 May 2010

Book on Local Governments and Climate Change examines challenges and solutions

"This is a timely book that addresses an urgent problem. Not only does it draw our attention to the role of local government in addressing climate change but it also highlights the issue with regard to small and medium sized communities, which is where the majority of Europe‘s population actually ...

4 May 2010

Covenant of Mayors 2010 Ceremony taking place today

The Covenant of Mayors 2010 Ceremony marks twelve months of exceptional growth in the Initiative. The second ceremony, hosted by the European Parliament, draws together representatives of more than 140 million citizens to honour new members, and to share and showcase best practice solutions to the c...