
Search Result ( 316 - 324 from 380 )

7 January 2019

Oslo officially takes over title of European Green Capital

ICLEI Member Oslo (Norway) officially took over the title of European Green Capital 2019 at a handover ceremony, which took place recently, 4 January, in Oslo. During the handover ceremony, ICLEI Member Nijmegen (The Netherlands), holder of the title in 2018, passed on the prestigious title to Oslo...

19 December 2018

Glasgow's work in accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles showcased in new report

Scotland is on a journey to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. In September 2017, Scotland’s First Minister set the ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032. A comprehensive review of the developments that have been undertaken to help achieve...

14 December 2018

Seydikemer steps up commitment to sustainable development through joining ICLEI

Seydikemer (Turkey) has joined ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in order to connect, learn from and exchange with other cities in Europe on creating a more sustainable future. The municipality, which is located in the south of Turkey, is made up of 65 villages across 2,000 KM and ...

11 December 2018

European cities want a larger role in the fight against climate change

If European countries want to seriously and effectively deal with climate change, they need to make better use of the power of cities. This is the message laid out in the European Green Capital Network’s Call for Action, which was presented to Patrick Child, Deputy Director General of DG Resea...

10 December 2018

ICLEI Members win big at 2019 German sustainability awards

The winners of the 11th German Sustainability Award were announced on 7 December at an award ceremony attended by 1,200 invited guests in Düsseldorf (Germany). During the award ceremony, ICLEI Member Münster (Germany) was awarded the title of ‘Germany’s most sustainable city&rs...

5 December 2018

Luxembourg launches new electric bike-sharing scheme

ICLEI Member Luxembourg City (Luxembourg) has recently launched a new electric bike-sharing scheme, in order to increase the city’s urban mobility offering. The new bike-sharing scheme, which will see the city make 900 bikes available and 94 bike stations installed across the city and in neig...

27 November 2018

ICLEI joins European Green Capital Network’s Call for Action for sustainable cities

In light of the latest IPCC assessment report, which states that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees requires rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, ICLEI joined 18 cities from across Europe, who recently came together in European Green Capital 2018, Nijmegen (Th...

20 November 2018

ICLEI Members in the running for the European Green Capital Award 2021

The competing cities for the 2021 European Green Capital Award have been revealed, with four ICLEI Members among the nine cities in the running for the title. The ICLEI Members are: Lahti (Finland), Lille & Strasbourg (France) and Tirana (Albania). The European Green Capital Award was created t...

16 November 2018

Bristol moves carbon neutrality target forward by 20 years

In the wake of the latest IPCC report, which warned that humanity has 12 years to take emergency action in order to prevent global warming greater than 1.5°C, ICLEI Member Bristol (United Kingdom) has backed an ambitious new pledge for the city to become carbon neutral by 2030 - 20 years earlier...