
Search Result ( 28 - 36 from 332 )

27 February 2023

Culture: a Cornerstone for Sustainable Development

Culture and cultural heritage have unique abilities to imagine and push forward sustainability efforts, especially at the local scale. Not only can cultural assets be a source of creative collaboration and strengthened social cohesion, but they can also be included in planning to create livable, inc...

13 February 2023

Supporting our community in the face of devastation

It is with great sadness that we share an update on the ever-rising death tolls following the consecutive earthquakes that hit Türkiye and Syria. Since we first shared condolences and solidarity, the death toll has surpassed 33,000 lives lost. The devastation has reached a number of municipalit...

7 February 2023

Condolences and support for Türkiye and Syria

Yesterday, southern Türkiye and northern Syria were hit with consecutive earthquakes, which have, at the time of writing, killed over 5000 people. ICLEI extends our deepest sympathies to those who are grieving and suffering in the wake of these natural disasters. Wolfgang Teubner, ICLEI Region...

31 January 2023

Disruption & Resilience: why stronger local and regional governments are needed

Europe is reeling and seems in constant crisis. The sequence of disruptive global shocks seems to be constantly accelerating, while longer-term emergencies – in particular the climate and biodiversity crises – are continuing without being adequately addressed. Strengthening local and reg...

20 December 2022

Last but not least: ending the year with another COP critical to nature

While the United Nations’ climate change negotiations (COP27) came to an end last month, this December was all about another Conference of the Parties: namely, global biodiversity negotiations known as CBD COP15. This was the occasion for world leaders to come together and agree upon a Post-20...

19 December 2022

Applications open to be the European Youth Capital 2026

While the European Year of Youth (2022) is coming to an end, cities seeking additional opportunities to support youth leadership are encouraged to apply to be the next European Youth Capital. This title is awarded to a European city to help them empower local young people, boost youth participa...

16 December 2022

Reflecting on a year of successes for the Urban7

Throughout the German G7 Presidency (2022), city leaders from across G7 nations – supported by networks like ICLEI – have been engaged in the ‘G7 Urban7 process’ (U7), participating in and advocating for continuous dialogue between G7 nations and their municipal actors. ...

13 December 2022

Cities: help shape the Berlin Urban Nature Pact

Global leaders are currently gathered in Montreal (Canada) for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties, better known as CBD COP15. Over the next few days, nations hope to finalise and agree upon a global strategy to protect nature. This policy, known as the Po...

29 November 2022

ESCT is coming home: Aalborg to host 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Aalborg (Denmark) will host the 10th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which will take place in the first week of October 2024. “We are proud to once more invite cities from across Europe to Aalborg to become part of a transformational mov...