
Search Result ( 37 - 45 from 61 )

27 January 2022

Recommendations for policy makers on food value chains

How can public procurement positively influence the entire food value chain? A new set of recommendations for procurers and policy makers is now available in relation to this topic. The recommendations on food value chains and public procurement build upon a global analysis, as well as the podcast ...

27 October 2021

Green urban food innovation takes centre stage in cities' #EdibleCitySolutions

Food isn’t just fuel – it connects us all. Whether in the form of urban agricultural initiatives, underground or rooftop farms, community gardens or healthy cooking workshops, millions of city dwellers around the world are already bringing the food they eat closer to home, and bringing p...

12 October 2021

The Power of the Public Plate podcast showcases how public procurement contributes to sustainable food systems

ICLEI Europe and the One Planet Network are pleased to present the ‘Power of the Public Plate’ podcast. Each episode explores the story of a champion of public food procurement. Listeners of the podcast will learn how public authorities from around the world leverage procurement to posit...

16 August 2021

Youth invited to submit video for virtual event leading up to Youth Forum

As witnessed in past years, young people have a huge potential to influence future climate policy that should be utlised more by local governments. The City of Milan, via Food Waves and ICLEI are proud to co-host their virtual event titled "Empowering youth for climate action", that will take p...

7 July 2021

Sustainable Public Procurement of Food: a Goal Within Reach

The EU Food Policy Coalition, of which ICLEI Europe is a member, has published a paper titled "Sustainable Public Procurement of Food: a Goal Within Reach" about the gains of implementing comprehensive sustanable food procurement. The paper was coordinated and led by ICLEI, and outlines five ke...

1 June 2021

ICLEI partners with the FAO to amplify local voices working to transform food systems

The years from 2021-2030 have been designated a Decade of Action dedicated to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Food systems are critical to this work. The food and agricultural sector is a massive contributor to global climate change; concurrently, resilient food sy...

21 September 2020

Engage with ICLEI Europe at European Week of Regions and Cities 2020

Every year since 2003, the European Commission alongside the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) have hosted the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), an event for cities and regions to showcase their work and the crucial role they play in European governance. The event hosts workshops, de...

6 February 2020

Register now for #Mannheim2020 to take local transformation forward

ICLEI Europe and the City of Mannheim are thrilled to share that registration is now open for the upcoming Mannheim2020 conference, which marks the 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns. By now, we know that the world faces major environmental, economic and social...

16 October 2019

Reflecting on sustainable food procurement this World Food Day

Today, 16 October, is the United Nations’ World Food Day. Food production, consumption, and supply chains play critical roles in urban sustainability and sustainable urban development. Earlier this month, as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, ICLEI Europe hosted the 30th edition...