
29 June 2010

Dublin develops Sustainable Energy Action Plan

ICLEI member city Dublin (Ireland), is working with energy agency Codema to achieve a carbon emissions reduction of 33 percent by 2020. The city details it's proposed actions in its new Sustainable Energy Action Plan.

The Plan shows how over the next 20 years, the introduction of carbon neutral and low-energy buildings, improvements in information technology and the development of a low-carbon transport system could lead to the city reducing its carbon emissions by 50 percent. Local authorities in Dublin will also increase their use of renewable energy. Dublin City Council is producing renewable electricity locally at Fr Collins Park, which opened as Ireland’s first wholly sustainable urban park last year. Five 50 kilowatt wind turbines provide electricity for the park’s sport facilities, public lighting and water aeration, bringing the portion of renewable energy for the Council’s own use to 19 percent.

Dublin also signed up to the Covenant of Mayors last year, which is a commitment by signatory towns and cities to go beyond the EU targets for a reduction in carbon emissions. Lord Mayor Emer Costello says, “We are extremely proud of Dublin’s involvement in the Covenant of Mayors and of our solid commitment to make Dublin an energy-smart city over the next 10 to 20 years. Our long-term vision for the city is one of smart buildings complemented by smart behaviour”.

For further information, click here.