
26 March 2021

New factsheets explore how procurement can tackle the climate crisis

The Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement (GLCN), coordinated by ICLEI, has published a set of global public procurement factsheets exploring the links between procurement and the climate crisis.

The factsheets provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the construction and transport and mobility sectors in the context of the global climate emergency. Further, the factsheets explore some of the innovative actions GLCN cities have implemented to address the climate crisis locally through public procurement.

The construction factsheet explains that, through their role commissioning construction and demolition works and owning and occupying buildings, city governments have an important role to play in improving the performance of the sector. GLCN cities are determined to use their purchasing powers to deliver cleaner and healthier buildings. In particular, the factsheet sheds light on the ambitions of ICLEI Europe Members Budapest (Hungary), Helsinki (Finland), Oslo (Norway) and Rotterdam (the Nethlands), as well as global examples from Denver (the USA) and Seoul (South Korea). The factsheet features three actionable ways GLCN cities use their procurement activities to deliver and operate more sustainable buildings – namely, by procuring: the climate-friendly refurbishment of buildings; climate-friendly and resilient design; and low-impact construction practices.

Many cities are facing significant challenges in developing clean, efficient, affordable and safe solutions to support the free movement of people and goods within their boundaries. The transport and mobility factsheet emphasises that, as transport solution and infrastructure providers, city governments can play a sugnificant role in improving the performance of the sector. GLCN cities have an extensive track record of leading on this topic, using their public procurement power to drive sustainable change in their local transportation systems. Through the factsheet, learn about the ambitions of ICLEI Europe Members Budapest (Hungary), Ghent (Belgium), Helsinki (Finland), Oslo (Norway), the Rotterdam (the Netherlands), as well as global examples from Auckland, Buenos Aires, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Tshwane. The factsheet outlines three actionable ways to use procurement power to transition to greener transport systems, by procuring: zero-emission delivery of goods and services; a clean, zero-emission public fleet; and car-free transport infrastructure for all.

For more information, read the construction and transport factsheets.