
24 July 2019

The European Commission’s Platform to support coal regions in transition

Coal is mined in 41 regions across 12 EU countries, coal activities provide jobs to more than 230,000 people, and around 24 percent of the European power generation mix is based on coal.

Despite coal’s importance within Europe, it is indisputable that the future of European energy does not lie in fossil fuels. The EU developed a long-term strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and wean Europe off of its dependence on fossil fuels. This will require an economic and societal transition, with the potential to leave some EU citizens and regions behind.

“There are a lot of challenges, but one of the biggest is to understand how the transition can impact the regions, understand how they can benefit from it, how they can create new industries, or find new ways of developing that can bring jobs,” said Aleksandra Tomczak, Policy Coordinator with DG Energy, European Commission.

The Platform for Coal Regions in Transition

Preparing coal regions for tomorrow’s low-carbon economy is an issue of today, and the European Commission has established the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition to aid them. The Platform’s Secretariat – co-managed by Climate Strategies, Ecorys, ICLEI Europe and the Wuppertal Institute – offers technical support and materials to build capacity in coal regions, and creates a community of stakeholders to strengthen and build partnerships.

Both digitally and through events, they are empowered to exchange with peers, establishing a commonality in the difficult task facing them. This realisation that no region is facing these issues entirely alone helps to build a sense of community.

“[During the Platform’s 5th Working Group Meeting] I met people from Silesia, we have put projects on the table and we will soon start working together,” said Paul Boutsen, a consultant in redevelopment of coalmines and mining regions based in Limburg (Belgium). “People’s enthusiasm to share their knowledge is growing and regions will soon start writing and developing projects together.”

Providing European level support to these regions not only prevents the decarbonisation project from choosing (or being seen to choose) “winners and losers,” but also helps the affected regions to more fully embrace the idea of a low-carbon industry.

Secretariat’s Technical Assistance to Regions in Transition (START)

As part of the Secretariat’s efforts, public authorities can apply to the Secretariat’s Technical Assistance to Regions in Transition (START) to receive targeted, needs-oriented expertise and capacity building.

“A significant challenge in the spirit of decarbonisation is not only to diversify the energy systems of a region, but also to ensure that there are economic opportunities for the communities and the residents within the region,” explained Robert Pollock, Senior Advisor at the Platform Secretariat.

The Platform Secretariat will provide technical assistance in the fields of strategies and governance, as well as project design and development. Selected regions will receive guidance to take practical steps in economic diversification and decarbonisation, aimed at consolidating a legacy of enhanced transition-related expertise, capabilities and capacities.

“The ideal scenario would be that in five years we already see concrete projects that have been implemented [in coal regions], that citizens have seen the benefits of,” said Ms Tomczak of DG Energy.

Public authorities can apply for START until 20 September 2019. Guidelines and instructions can be found by clicking here.