
18 December 2018

Get energised in 2019 with our sustainable energy events

If one thing is clear from the recent international climate change negotiations, which recently took place in Katowice (Poland) and the European Commission’s strategic long-term vision for a climate-neutral economy by 2050, it’s that decarbonising the energy supply will be a major task for European cities and regions.

With this in mind, ICLEI Europe, together with its project partners from Heat Roadmap Europe and EVERYWH2ERE, will kick-off 2019 with two workshops - the first focusing on sustainable energy provision for temporary urban events and the second addressing heating and cooling.

On 15 January 2019, ICLEI Europe together with EVERYWH2ERE will explore modern hydrogen based fuel cell technologies as a clean alternative to fossil fuel energy generators used at construction sites, festivals and harbors at the Upscaling Hydrogen Gensets in European Cities workshop in Brussels (Belgium).

The workshop will not only address how public tendering and procurement processes can be effective options to encourage the uptake of hydrogen gensets, but will also serve as an entry point for becoming part of the EVERYWH2ERE Regions & Cities Interest Group. Members of the groups will amongst others be invited to apply the hydrogen generator sets developed by the project on their territory.

For more information and to register before registrations close on 9 January 2019, click here.

On 24 January 2019, cities and regions interested in sustainable district heating and cooling options and the energy renovation of buildings are invited to join ICLEI Europe and Heat Roadmap Europe for a workshop on Aligning district energy and building energy renovation – A vision on strategic integrations in Berlin (Germany).

The event will focus on the link between district energy and building renovation and how to align governance strategically to combine and integrate the two areas, as well as share business cases and strategies to encourage market uptake of sustainable heating and cooling solutions.

For more information and to register before registrations close on 15 January 2019, click here.