
27 November 2018

Cities across the world united in call to action for ‘nature and people’

The 6th Global Biodiversity Summit of Local and Subnational Governments, an official parallel event to the 14th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 14 ) culminated on 24 November with the adoption of the Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué for Local and Subnational Action for Nature and People, an urgent call to action for strengthened commitment to multi-level integration, collaboration and action to stem biodiversity loss and restore biodiversity health for the sake of people and nature.

The Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué for Local and Subnational Action for Nature and People, which builds on consecutive previous Summit outcomes and declarations, was presented to the CBD COP 14 Plenary by Dr. Cathy Oke, First Vice President of ICLEI, as the outcome of the Summit.

“The Sharm el-Sheikh Communiqué calls on all levels of government and their partners to take action in light of the most recent global assessment reports, which so clearly point to the need for significant, rapid and collective action,” says Ms. Kobie Brand, Global Director of the ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center.

The Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué calls for significantly stepping up efforts by all CBD Parties and their subnational actors to work together to realise, enable and unlock to the fullest potential the rich, diverse and collective contributions of all levels of subnational governments and that of our growing urban populations to contribute directly and measurably to the attainment of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity.

The Sharm el-Sheikh Communiqué further calls on CBD Parties and partners to increase and unlock mechanisms for collaboration and enable frameworks; accelerate efforts for awareness-raising, capacity building and facilitating scientific knowledge transfer; and enable and promote the implementation of current and past COP Decisions related to subnational governments. In addition, it calls on Parties and partners to continue to increase efforts to collaborate with the other global sustainable development governance processes and Conventions to ensure that systemic and inter - related solutions are developed and adopted under the post - 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

For more information and to read the Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué for Local and Subnational Action for Nature and People, click here.