
27 April 2022

Exchange partners in Western Balkans and Ukraine collaborate on the transition towards clean energy

In the transition towards clean energy, knowledge exchange provides ample learning opportunities to elevate all those involved. In the Western Balkans and Ukraine, six exchanges are kicking off within a dedicated exchange programme. The exchange provides an opportunity for regions to start direct, one-to-one dialogues with their EU counterparts and learn from each other’s experience with transitioning towards clean energy and thus ensures that no one is left behind in the process. 

There was active interest on the part of coal regions, with 32 submitted applications representing very good geographic spread. Based on expert assessment, 14 delegations were paired up with one another, forming six sets of exchange partners, who are currently preparing their exchanges. An additional two sets – each co-led by Ukrainian applicants – were foreseen to form as well, though these exchanges have been temporarily put on hold.

Three of the exchanges will start in the first half of 2022, and the detailed planning and preparation of the other three exchanges will start in the second half of 2022. Led by dedicated exchange facilitators, the participants of the programme are now developing exact roadmaps for their shared dialogues and exchanges, featuring either one or two in-person visits. Leading up to their visits, virtual interactions and discussions will truly solidify their relationships to one another, ideally leading to fruitful cooperation even beyond the scope of their current exchanges. 

The exchange programme is being implemented by the European Commission as part of the Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine, which it leads together with six collaborating international partners. ICLEI Europe is among a consortium of organisations who run the initiative's secretariat.

To learn more about the upcoming exchanges, click here