
17 July 2019

ICLEI Members lead index of most bicycle friendly cities

Every two years, the Copenhagenize Index – a comprehensive ranking of bicycle friendly cities – is compiled, and the top 20 bicycle friendly cities from around the world are announced.

The 2019 index was recently released and, yet again, ICLEI Members lead the pack. This year, 16 out of the top 20 cities are ICLEI Members, and 12 of those are ICLEI Europe Members.

Of particular note are Bremen (Germany) that entered the top 20 list for the first time this year taking 11th place; Oslo (Norway) that was noted as the “rising star” for its quick climb from not making the list in 2015, to being ranked 19th in 2017, and 7th this year; and Copenhagen (Denmark) that was ranked the most bicycle friendly city in the world for the third time in a row.

The index considers cities that are national capitals or have over 600,000 inhabitants, and for which cycling accounts for at least two percent of travel. Cities are then assigned points based on their performance across 14 parameters, including bicycle infrastructure, gender split in cycling, cyclist safety, urban planning, local politics, and more.

All ICLEI Europe Members that made the top 20 list – in order beginning with the highest scoring city – are: Copenhagen (Denmark), Utrecht (The Netherlands), Antwerp (Belgium), Strasbourg (France), Bordeaux (France), Oslo (Norway), Helsinki (Finland), Bremen (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Berlin (Germany), and Hamburg (Germany).

In addition to releasing a top 20 list, Copenhagenize also publishes select city success stories. ICLEI Members Budapest (Hungary) and Brussels (Belgium) were acknowledged for their work in promoting cycling through public advocacy, and a new cycling marketing campaign, respectively. And, ICLEI’s newest Member Izmir (Turkey) was recognised for its work aimed at promoting and supporting women cyclists.

Read the full list, which includes other global ICLEI Member Cities, by clicking here.