
28 July 2010

Brussels minister invites Europe to urban renovation seminar

ICLEI member the Brussels Capital Region (Belgium) is to host an exciting new event, sustain@brussels, a European seminar on urban renovation. The symposium will focus on the best practice for sustainable urban renovation, particularly as part of European Financing programmes and will take place on 15 September 2010.

The event will be hosted by Evelyne Huytebroeck, Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for the Environment, Energy, Water Policy, Urban Renovation, Fire-fighting, Emergency Medical Assistance and Housing.

During the opening morning session, the Belgian capital will share the city’s own experiences through a series of short presentations that examine the sustainable urban renovation policies implemented there during the past few years. These will be presented by speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including property developers, public representatives and architects, as well as citizens. This will be followed by an evening of presentations from industry experts focused on in-depth analyses of projects from all across Europe.

For further information, click here.