
1 June 2010

Cities set course for climate adaptation at Resilient Cities 2010

Resilient cities 2010 concluded on 30 May, after three days of discussion, learning and exchange on the topic of urban adaptation to climate change. Taking place in Bonn (Germany), the event comprised of 48 sessions, four plenaries and one key concept: Adaptation.

500 Mayors, municipal decision makers and experts from universities and international organisations from all continents met at the event, the first world congress on the adaptation of cities to the impacts of Climate Change, organised by ICLEI, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and the City of Bonn. The final plenary boasted an illustrious speakers panel and ended with the first Bonn Declaration of Mayors, unveiled by Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City.

"We know from past experience that the poor in all countries suffer most from the impacts of climate change. Local authorities are hard placed to provide [help] without a national and international policy framework,” said Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, at the final plenary session. “National governments should not be allowed to get away with this.”

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