
29 April 2019

Save the Date for the 7th Informed Cities Forum

The 7th Informed Cities Forum has adopted the bold title: ‘Who profits from heritage? Communities, capital and urban space’. The Forum invites you to join more than 100 urban thinkers and practitioners from across Europe to engage around this and other questions surrounding urban regeneration. The Forum will take place in the Praga district of Warsaw (Poland) on 15-16 October 2019. Save the date!

The 2019 edition of the Informed Cities Forum will zoom in on urban regeneration processes, examining their real and potential impacts on people and places. Building on the experiences of the OpenHeritage project and the Actors of Urban Change community, the Forum will explore new ideas and tools to empower local communities and safeguard urban commons.

The event will gather a mix of urban activists, social entrepreneurs, local and European policy makers, researchers, investors and funders to exchange and learn from one another in a unique arena. The aim is to bring together practical urban regeneration experience with financial and regulatory expertise in order to increase social, economic and environmental benefits for our communities.

This event is co-produced by OpenHeritage and Actors of Urban Change.

Registration will open in June. To read more about the event, click here.