
16 June 2010

Entries for the 2010 European Solar Prize accepted until the end of June

Outstanding achievements, innovation and creativity in expanding the use of renewable energy will be recognised through the annual EUROSOLAR European Solar Prize. EUROSOLAR will accept applications and proposals until 30 June 2010.

Established in 1994 the prize has rewarded towns, municipal enterprises, associations or communities, individuals, engineers, architects and also organisations for outstanding service rendered to the use of renewable energy. To cover the broad effects and diversity of renewable energy applications, the prize is presented in several categories. These include, towns/municipalities, council districts, public utilities, owners or operators of renewable energy installations, Local or regional associations/organisations and transport and mobility.

The award is intended to spark and strengthen the public interest in renewable energy. The competition is running in several European countries at the same time through the different EUROSOLAR section members. All winners of the European Solar Prize will be selected from the entrants for the national Solar Prize in each country and from the applications directly received at EUROSOLAR Germany.

For further information, visit