
12 July 2010

UK's North-East moves to implement Whole-Life-Costing Tool

More than 50 public procurers of UK's North East region have been trained in using the Whole-Life-Costing and CO2 Assessment Tool, developed by the SMART SPP project. The Excel-based tool is presented alongside a practical guide explaining the steps a public authority can take to encourage energy efficient innovation through public procurement.

It aims to help save money while reducing CO2 emissions by calculating not only acquisition but also maintenance, operation and end-of-life costs. The SMART SPP project promotes early market engagement between public authority procurers and developers of innovative products or services during public tenders. Though still in development, feedback on the tool is already positive with Vicky Reevel, Procurement Officer for Sunderland City Council, saying it is a "comprehensive tool, that’s relatively simple to use if you have the data to populate".

The training series, supported by the North East Improvement and Efficiency Partnership, will continue in September 2010. The Whole-Life-Costing and CO2 Assessment Tool is available online and a final release is scheduled for 2011.

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