
21 June 2010

Hamburg to host congress on waste under the theme of urban development and sustainability

The city of Hamburg will host the International Solid Waste Association World Congress 2010 on Urban Development and Sustainability from the 15-18 November 2010.

The event is a unique occasion and offers participants the opportunity to participate in an international forum where outstanding experts in the different fields of Research and Practice will present and discuss the different aspects of a sustainable development in our urbanised world. In several parallel sessions there will be presentations on the latest developments not only on waste management, but on all aspects related to urban development.

There will also be the opportunity to visit different waste treatment plants located in or near Hamburg. The city is an ICLEI member and was awarded the title of the European Green Capital 2010. Speakers include Surya Prakash Chandra, Deputy Director UNEP, On Waste Management and Norbert Röttgen, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany.

For further information, click here.