
11 December 2020

New e-publication explores cities daring to do mobility differently

Learning from your fellow peer cities as if you were visiting them – how is that supposed to work during a global health pandemic?

As in-person peer exchanges could not be organised this year, the CIVITAS Initiative – one of the European Commission’s flagship programmes for sustainable urban mobility – decided to do things differently.

The result was a new interactive e-publication that takes readers on a virtual, interactive tour of seven cities who dare to do mobility differently.

Take a virtual trip to and learn from ICLEI Member Helsinki (Finland) and the six cities of Aachen (Germany), Bratislava (Slovakia), Madrid (Spain), Rethymno (Greece), Szeged (Hungary) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Videos and case studies await that chronicle their inspiring solutions. Be inspired by how these cities are transforming active travel and urban space, fostering shared, smart and clean mobility, getting companies to develop green mobility strategies, and much more.

The e-publication was launched at an online peer-to-peer exchange event. It featured the seven cities presenting their mobility measures in an interactive format. Six breakout rooms served as informal forums for discussing their solutions. A recording of the session will be available soon on the CIVITAS YouTube channel.

Dive into the e-publication here and read more about the CIVITAS Initiative here.