
25 October 2019

Innovative urban actors invited to a summit for smarter cities

ICLEI Member Helsingborg (Sweden) has put forth a vision of being one of Europe’s most innovative cities by 2022. The city is ready to bring other global leaders along with them, to challenge and support each other in implementing innovative urban solutions.

In the lead-up to 2022, Helsingborg invites urban stakeholders from around the world to a Summit, taking place from 5-6 November 2019.

The next three-years leading to 2022 will challenge cities to test, explore, and have an impact on the making of smarter cities. Helsingborg extends this challenge in collaboration with hundreds of business leaders, public representatives, innovators, experts and academics from around the globe.

The challenge will culminate in a city expo to take place in 2022 with the theme “H22 – A smarter city,” which will explore best solutions for smarter and more resilient cities and urban life.

The years leading up to H22 will be characterised by determined work from local, national and international actors, both in and outside of Helsingborg. The city expo and the work leading up to it is a major investment aiming to explore and lead the way to smarter and more sustainable urban planning and city life.

Spots are still available for the 2019 Summit! Join ICLEI Members and other global stakeholders to discuss designing urban safety, making public space and reinventing city governance.

For more information, to express interest in cooperating on H22, and to sign up for the 2019 Summit, please click here.