
10 February 2022

Free training programme on heating & cooling planning launched

Energy leaders are invited to join a free training programme to discover digital tools and instruments that make developing and implementing thermal projects faster, more efficient and more cost effective.

The programme has been designed for staff from energy agencies, regional and local governments, and experts interested in the process of strategic heating and cooling planning. It builds on and makes us of well-establish open access software, ensuring that lessons learnt can be concretely put to use.

Strategic heating and cooling planning requires a number of steps. This training programme examines the start of the planning cycle, addressing stakeholder engagement, data management, and digital tools for successful heating and cooling planning.

The programme’s sessions are being organised by ICLEI Europe in the context of the Act!on Heat project. The training programme furthermore makes use of software developed in the scope of the THERMOS project, in which ICLEI was also a partner.

The first three sessions of the training programme will take place on 25 February (read more), 17 March (read more), and 6 April (read more). Certification can be offered upon request.

To register for one or all sessions please click here.