
11 December 2018

European cities want a larger role in the fight against climate change

If European countries want to seriously and effectively deal with climate change, they need to make better use of the power of cities. This is the message laid out in the European Green Capital Network’s Call for Action, which was presented to Patrick Child, Deputy Director General of DG Research and Innovation during COP24 in Katowice (Poland).

The call for action, which was initiated by the members of the European Green Capital Network, consisting of winners and finalists of the European Green Capital Award, aims to inspire cities worldwide to become more sustainable and climate-resilient by creating a green movement. The Call for Action has been endorsed by ICLEI and 18 ICLEI Member cities.

“About three-quarters of Europeans already live in urban areas and this number continues to grow. These are serious numbers that underline the importance of healthy cities, but they also show that investment in sustainable cities has a big impact on limiting climate change throughout Europe,” says mayor of Nijmegen (The Netherlands), Hubert Bruls.

With the Call for Action, cities are appealing to governments to acknowledge the leading role of cities by utilising the knowledge available within them more effectively and by working together more intensively on the development of sustainable solutions.

For more information and to read the call for action, click here.