
2 November 2020

Malmö and Turku profiled in Daring Cities Podcast

ICLEI Members Malmö (Sweden) and Turku (Finland) were profiled in a recent podcast series produced by the Daring Cities Conference.

The Daring Cities podcast profiles and interviews urban leaders around the world who are taking radical climate action to prepare for, adapt to, and tackle the climate emergency.

Episode two of the podcast series puts the spotlight on Turku, exploring how the city has become a laboratory city for circular development, with a focus on reducing waste across sectors — solving the waste problem before it even starts.

While episode seven profiles Malmö, exploring their plans to form Europe’s first cross-border carbon-neutral zone with its neighbour, ICLEI Member Copenhagen (Denmark). In addition, the podcast discusses how Malmö finds itself grappling with how to be “climate neutral” in a connected world where you can only act on the emissions you can control.

The Daring Cities podcast series is produced by ICLEI in the context of the Daring Cities Conference, the world’s first and largest online gathering on climate change for urban leaders, which took place last month from 7-28 October.

For more information and to listen to the Daring Cities podcast series, click here.