
Search Result ( 163 - 171 from 206 )

29 November 2018

Call launched for cities to join next round of SUMPs-Up learning programme

The CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project has opened a call for cities to take part in its next SUMP Learning Programme (SLP). Up to 25 planning authorities have the chance to join SLP5, which will start in May 2019. This group of mobility practitioners will complete the Expert Group of 90 SUMP cities. The six...

14 November 2018

Glasgow invests in eBikes

ICLEI Member Glasgow (United Kingdom) has recently pledged to match a near 180,000 GBP funding award from Transport Scotland to help kick-start the city’s eBike revolution. The 180,000 cash grant from Transport Scotland will ensure that 63 electrically assisted eBikes can now be introduced in...

16 October 2018

Europe's top two-wheeled cities to share and inspire cycling excellence

Cities are hubs of cycling innovation and expertise, pioneering measures that are making urban environments suitable and safe for bikes. Yet this knowledge does not always reach other cities. HANDSHAKE, a new Horizon 2020-funded project under the CIVITAS Initiative, is seeking to change this. HANDS...

15 October 2018

Increased participation leads to new EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK record

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK has hit a new participation record, with almost 2,800 towns and cities from 54 countries taking part in 2018. A full list of participants can be viewed online. This impressive figure marks the third record-breaking year in a row for the campaign. The geographic reach of EUROPEA...

12 October 2018

New podcast explores SUMP challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities

All towns and cities developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) deal with difficulties. Yet their nature differs: the challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities are not the same as their larger counterparts. A new podcast from the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project sheds light on the SUMP si...

10 October 2018

Cities invited to host peer-exchange activities on fostering sustainable urban mobility

Cities from across Europe are invited to apply to host peer-exchange activities through the CIVITAS initiative, which will focus on sharing knowledge to foster and ultimately improve sustainable urban mobility in cities across Europe. Cities will have the opportunity to host either work placements ...

26 September 2018

Graz revealed as host of the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019

The city of Graz, Austria, has been revealed as the host of the CIVITAS Forum Conference in 2019, which is set to take place from 2 - 4 October 2019. The announcement was made on Friday 21 September by Dejan Crnek, newly elected Chair of the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee, in the closing plen...

21 September 2018

Ghent wins Bold Measure Award at the 2018 CIVITAS Awards

The winners of the 2018 CIVITAS Awards were recently revealed during an award ceremony in Umeå (Sweden). This year’s “Bold Measure Award”, which is given to the city that adopts a daring and innovative approach that has not been widely implemented yet, was given to ICLEI Memb...

19 September 2018

The CIVITAS Forum Conference 2018 begins in Umeå

The magnitude of transport’s social dimension is becoming increasingly clear - mobility shapes lives and prospects. It is vital that transport systems are environmentally friendly, inclusive, efficient, and centred on meeting diverse user needs. Yet how can this be accomplished? Under the ban...