
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 226 )

12 July 2024

U7 kick-starts cooperation with French ministries on local matters for the upcoming French G7 presidency

ICLEI together with G7 Urban 7 (U7) partners initiated cooperation and consultations with representatives from different French ministries on priority topics for G7 countries in view of the upcoming G7 presidency of France in 2026. U7 secretariat partners ICLEI and the Global Parliament of Mayors re...

27 June 2024

Navigating the EU Green Deal after the EU elections

As we wait for the new European Parliament to take shape over the next weeks, the 2024 EU Election results have made one thing clear: there is a high priority to uphold European values.  Despite a slimmer margin, the existing Pro-EU parties held their majority. The election result shows that t...

21 June 2024

Intelligent Cities Challenge offered training on Local Green Deals

On 18-19 June, the City of Porto (Portugal) hosted the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) Implementation Lab conference at Palacio da Bolsa. The event brought together 298 participants, including around 60 ICC core cities as well as 8 ICC mentor cities, with a strong presence of ICLEI Members Aalbor...

11 June 2024

Lifestyle app empowers Europeans to reduce environmental impact

Data can help inform individuals and local governments alike about lifestyle habits, which can help empower them to make sustainable change. To facilitate access to this critical information, a new tool is encouraging individuals to reduce their climate impact through tailored lifestyle changes. Af...

30 May 2024

ICLEI joins call for prioritising a socially fair and green transition in next EU Strategic Agenda

ICLEI joined a coalition of 54 civil society stakeholders, businesses, and organisations representing cities and regions from across Europe to urge European Heads of State and Government to prioritise the transition to a climate-neutral, green, fair, and social Europe when defining the EU’s 20...

17 May 2024

ICLEI welcomes nine Ukrainian cities as new members

As with other regions in conflict, implementing sustainable urban development poses an added challenge in Ukraine. Thus, ICLEI aims to support the recovery and long-term rebuilding of the cities and towns in the region in a resilient and sustainable way, welcoming nine Ukrainian Members into our net...

15 May 2024

Using municipal sustainability management to facilitate Local Green Deals

Cities are central actors for implementing and localising the European Green Deal. Recently, two new publications (in German) serve as resources for cities to enhance their municipal sustainability management strategies as they seek to do just that. The "Municipal Sustainability Management" report ...

7 May 2024

Amplify citizens’ voices in policy making

Across the globe, public authorities face resource constraints, limiting their ability to gather crucial data needed for informed policymaking. Yet, within this challenge lies an opportunity for innovation and inclusivity. ICLEI Europe is looking for dedicated local government representatives commit...

15 April 2024

Local Alliance urges EU to stay the course on EU Green Deal

ICLEI and seven other leading networks of European cities and regions - ACR+, CEMR, Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Eurocities, FEDARENE, and POLIS - have come together to form the Local Alliance ahead of the EU elections.  In a joint letter, the Alliance calls on EU leaders to find new ways ...