
26 June 2019

Cities invited to sign call for zero-emissions freight vehicles

The Transport Decarbonisation Alliance – a network of cities, countries and companies including ICLEI Members Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Lisbon (Portugal) – is leading an international call for zero-emissions freight vehicles. The call aims to encourage the automotive industry to produce more such vehicles, by making clear their widespread demand.

By joining the call, signatories declare that they are committed to reducing emissions from the freight sector. Signatories indicate the number of commercial vehicles in their organisation that could be replaced with zero-emissions alternatives, and are asked to identify like-minded organisations with which solutions for zero-emissions transport could be explored, such as joint procurement.

Current signatories represent a demand of well over 100,000 vehicles. This number has the potential to increase greatly.

The transition to zero-emissions transit is under way in many cities. It is time now to expand that vision to urban delivery and service vehicles, with a view ahead of also having zero emissions vehicles for movement of heavy goods both within and between cities.

The market for zero emissions freight is currently limited by high prices and low availability. With this call, the unanswered market demand is made clear. This can lead e-vehicle production from its current niche to mainstream manufacturing.

ICLEI has signed the call as a supporting organisation. The call was also referenced in Procuring zero emission delivery of goods and services, a handbook recently published by the BuyZET project, coordinated by ICLEI Europe.

Simon Clement, Coordinator of BuyZET from ICLEI Europe’s Sustainable Economy and Procurement team, expressed, “Vehicles delivering goods and services represent a major proportion of traffic flows in our cities today and contribute significantly to urban CO2 emissions and poor air quality. City administrations can help drive the transition to zero-emission freight vehicles both through the vehicles they purchase or rent themselves, and by encouraging their suppliers of goods and services to also make the switch.”

ICLEI Members are invited to sign the call, and to encourage their suppliers and service providers to do the same.