
23 March 2018

C4S project helps cities to implement energy action plans

ICLEI is taking part in the Compete4SECAP project, also known as C4S, which aims at helping local authorities put their existing Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) into action.

The project promotes the adoption of standardised energy management systems in municipalities through the coordination of national competitions and peer-to-peer exchanges which steer the attention and involvement of local to national authorities in 8 European countries.

The project also helps facilitate the upgrade of SEAPs into Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), as per new planning approaches promoted by the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

ICLEI will coordinate peer-to-peer exchanges among stakeholders who will themselves train local authorities in energy management systems (EnMS) and related practices, which helps to ensure replicability.

Additionally, ICLEI will help local authorities to take their SEAPs and similar strategies a step further, for example upgrading them to SECAPs (based on ICLEI's extensive experience in action-planning and expertise in climate adaptation).

In addition to making cities become more resilient, it also helps them to become better aligned to wider initiatives like the updated ambitions found in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

For more information about the Compete4SECAP project, click here.