
19 January 2018

Nijmegen set to officially take over title of European Green Capital

ICLEI Member Nijmegen (The Netherlands) will officially become the European Green Capital 2018 at a handover ceremony scheduled to take place tomorrow, 20 January, in Nijmegen.

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will pass the title of European Green Capital from Essen to Nijmegen.

Speaking in preparation for the handover, Commissioner Vella said: “It is with great honour that I pass the title of European Green Capital to Nijmegen, the first Dutch city to win the award. Nijmegen has shown what true collaboration can achieve. From its ambitious energy targets and commitment to circular economy, remarkable cycling movement and green transport, to impressive flood protection measures at the River Waal, Nijmegen has proven itself as a leader in urban sustainability. I am confident it will inspire and support other European cities on their path towards a greener future. I wish Mayor Bruls, his team and the people of Nijmegen the very best."

The handover event will take place as part of Nijmegen’s official opening weekend: a three day festival called ‘Wondertuin’ (Wonder Garden).

The handover ceremony will see speeches by Mr. Hubert Bruls, Mayor of Nijmegen, Mr. Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and Mr. Thomas Kufen, Mayor of Essen (Germany) alongside two panel discussions, one on urban sustainability and the second on Nijmegen’s plans for 2018.

For those unable to make the journey to Nijmegen, they will be able to watch the handover ceremony via live web-streaming, with transmission starting at 15:30 (CET) and lasting around two hours.

Among a packed calendar of events scheduled for 2018, Nijmegen will hold the 10th EcoProcura Conference, an international conference on sustainable and innovation procurement. To see the full list of events planned for 2018, visit their calendar.

For more information about the handover ceremony, click here.