
20 March 2019

Brussels to host conference on urban metabolism and waste prevention

The UrbanWINS project is set to host its final conference, titled: 'The city as a living organism, understanding its metabolism to reduce its resource consumption’, in GreenBizz, Brussels (Belgium), on 4 April.

The conference will begin by focusing on learning more about the urban metabolism approach - exploring how cities eat, digest and get rid of what they do not need. The data obtained through this method can be used by cities to develop their strategic planning frameworks on waste prevention and management.

The cities of Cremona, Albano Laziale, Pomezia and Torino (Italy); Leiria (Portugal); Bucharest (Romania), and Manresa and Sabadell (Spain) will present the pilot actions they are implementing to rethink waste as a resource.

In the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to choose from one of three parallel workshops: 'Game talks – Using board games to prevent and manage waste', 'Community based decision making for better waste management in tourism', and 'Eco-innovative solutions for waste and wastescapes'.

The event will close with a session which will look to the future of waste prevention, discussing how the legacy of the UrbanWINS project can be replicated by other cities.

For more information and to register to attend the event, click here.