
11 December 2023

Over 1,000 signatories back global call to embed culture into climate policy at COP28

Over 1,000 cultural organisations, leaders and practitioners have added their voices to a Global Call to Action in advance of this year’s COP28 in Dubai. They are urging the UN Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) to adopt a groundbreaking 'Joint Work Decision on Culture and Climate Action' to ensure culture-based solutions to climate change are recognised and implemented.

Existing climate policies have proven inadequate and left the world struggling to meet Paris Agreement targets. Culture-led solutions that are inclusive, rights-based, place-specific, demand-oriented, and focused on people and nature are already abundant. Yet in spite of its potential, culture has not yet been integrated into climate policy and planning.

This global campaign asks for a ‘Joint Work Decision (JWD) on Culture and Climate Action’, a UN process which would trigger policies and frameworks to enable culture to bolster climate action. A High Level Ministerial Dialogue on Culture-based Climate Action was scheduled for 8 December at COP28, to ask the UN to adopt the JWD at next year’s COP29.

Over 250 leading organisations from a wide array of sectors, ranging from culture to climate and the built environment, are supporting this campaign. These include international alliances of local governments such as ICLEI, EUROCITIES or the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) who have been increasingly advocating for culture as a key dimension of people-centred sustainable development.

"As a leading global network of cities, regions and towns committed to building a sustainable future, ICLEI recognises culture and our shared heritage as a core pillar of sustainable development, and a driver of local transformations to imagine, plan and attain sustainable futures for all. Climate action requires culture change and local cultures can play a pivotal role in unlocking climate-neutral solutions", stated Dr. Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis, Head of Built Environment, Culture & Heritage at ICLEI Europe. “Through our commitment to EU funded pilot projects like the European Heritage Hub, ICLEI is supporting its member cities to develop culture-based, place-specific climate solutions that are beautiful, sustainable and inclusive."

Culture is a powerful force that shapes all of our lives, wherever we are in the world. Harnessing the knowledge, passion and creativity of the cultural and creative sectors for climate policy would enable transformative climate action - allowing it to scale up, influence key decisions on net zero and adaptation, and ensure that heritage is safeguarded for future generations.

The Call to Action remains open to the public. If you recognise the extraordinary potential of culture to strengthen global climate action, sign up to support and widely disseminate this Call, as a network, organisation or individual. Add your voice and help amplify the campaign!