
30 July 2018

Basque municipalities launch report on contribution to SDGs

In a recently published report, ICLEI Member Udalsarea 21 analyses the contribution made by the Basque municipalities in their network to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Udalsarea 21 is a Basque network of municipalities working on sustainability policies and projects. Founded in 2002, the network is comprised of 185 of the 251 municipalities in the Basque Country.

The recently published report, which was presented at the High Level Political Forum in New York (USA), 9-18 July 2018, analyses the regions contribution towards the SDGs.

The report found that the SDGs the Basque municipalities contribute most towards through their Local Sustainability Action Plans are Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements, and Goal 12: Sustainable Production and Consumption.

The Local Sustainability Action Plans used by the municipalities are guided by the Aalborg Charter, Aalborg Commitments and the Basque Declaration. The plans make reference to such things as: urban mobility, water, citizen engagement, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, energy, and biodiversity, just to name a few.

For more information and to read the report in English, click here.