
9 October 2020

Get inspired by cities leading the way in fair and ethical trade

European cities are demonstrating how municipalities can proactively foster fair and ethical trade, thereby also creating opportunities for producers even beyond their city (and national) limits.

The "EU Cities for Fair and Ethical Trade Award" celebrates those cities in Europe who are leading the way in this effort. Not only is this an opportunitiy to recognise cities' excellence, it also provides knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities to foster collaboration for greater overall impact.

Get inspired and learn from EU leaders by joining the live award ceremony on 16 October at 10:30 CEST, when the 2021 winner will be announced!

This year, three of the five finalist cities are ICLEI Members, namely: Bremen (Germany), Gothenburg and Malmö (Sweden). You can read more about all five shorlisted cities' efforts to support fair and ethical trade here. ICLEI Europe also sits on the jury.

For more information on the award ceremony and to register to join, click here.