
28 May 2018

Zaragoza launches awareness campaign to reduce water consumption in the city

ICLEI Member Zaragoza (Spain), in collaboration with ECODES (Ecology and Development Foundation), has launched an awareness campaign to reduce water consumption in the city.

After several years of continued decline, Zaragoza (Spain) has seen an increase in the rate of water consumption in the city, with a rise to 99.6 litres, per inhabitant, per day, recorded in 2016. Although this is far from the national average of 132 litres, the city is seeking to curtail the increase.

Since 1997, Zaragoza has been actively trying to reduce the rate of water consumption in the city, through policies which were reinforced in 2008 with the International Water and Sustainable Development Exhibition. Thanks to their efforts, the city has come to be recognised as a benchmark for water consumption rates among Spanish cities.

The city has sought to reduce water consumption rates through undertaking the following initiatives: renewing networks and facilities, improving management, monitoring the supply network, leak reduction, implementing saving and efficient technologies and through awareness actions.

For more information, click here [in Spanish].