
4 November 2021

Funding and unity between cities highlighted at EURESFO 2021

This October, urban resilience leaders from across Europe came together at this year's European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO). This flagship ICLEI Europe event series has, since 2013, been a unique exchange platform for city representatives, experts and stakeholders from local and regional institutions to discuss strategies, initiatives and actions for adapting to climate change and building urban resilience.

This year's event catalysed, in particular, actions that serve to foster European unity and funding opportunities for adaptation and resilience.

Funding and unity

More funding opportunities and collaborative work are essential for cities’ resilient recovery. After two days of intense discussion, city representatives, industries, and stakeholders highlighted the imperative need for innovative financing solutions, and to take a holistic approach to integrated mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Among the conference’s main outcomes were agreements that cities need more financial support from the European Union and national funds to scale-up action, and that they must work in collaboration with stakeholders, private sector and research institutions.

Questions around funding opportunities were addressed by representatives of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, including the announcement by Cinzia Losenno (EIB) of the first-ever EIB Adaptation plan, to be launched at COP26.

“This issue was massively discussed during the plenaries and we saw that cities are aware of the need for more financial incentives to implement climate action and to accelerate the work. The combination of work in different thematic and sectors with much focus on a local level has become more urgent,” said Vasileios Latinos, Resilience Coordinator at ICLEI Europe and EURESFO’s coordinator.

Further outcomes

Discussions pointed to the need for integrated work on different fronts, such as nature-inspired solutions for whole cities rather than just in specific patches (parking lots, protected areas etc); better data collection and use for integrated climate strategies; actions to ensure future-proofing beyond the individual building level; and consideration of smaller municipalities' particular challenges.

The introduction of disaster risk reduction as a topical focus was particularly notable. Mami Mizutori, Head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Elena Visnar-Malinovska, Head of the Adaptation Unit at the European Commission, and Margareta Wahlström, Expert, Disaster Risk Reduction, all took part in the conference.

“We should look at resilience as a competence, not as an end state. Basically, my message [to mayors] is that we need to take disasters seriously, they will happen again, and take the measures to protect citizens the next time, know your risks,” said Wahlström.

A full version of outcomes can be accessed here.

You can watch Mami Mizutori’s, Head of UNDRR, statement here.

Follow EURESFO on Twitter for future updates on the event report and recordings of the sessions. To view pictures from the event, click here.