
6 April 2023

Use ‘Science for Environment Policy’ to keep local decisions evidence-based

What should you take into consideration when it comes to greening your city or region? At ICLEI Europe we encourage local government leaders to stay up to date on the leading research and updates on these topics. However, it can be hard to follow-up with the latest scientific findings in the environmental field. This is precisely why the European Commission is working to make this easier with their Science for Environment Policy service that provides regular news summaries of scientific findings to ensure decision makers are informed.

The service is managed by the Directorate-General for Environment and scours through the latest peer-reviewed environmental scientific studies to ensure a high-quality selection of newly published research papers. The studies are then translated to attractive summaries, linking to the full papers for those keen to delve deeper into the topic. The topics range from urban mobility, nature-based solutions, circular economy to harmful chemicals and much more.

Subscribe to the news alerts and explore the in-depth reports, future briefs and thematic issues of Science for Environment Policy here.