
20 November 2018

Malmö to host knowledge exchange programme on sustainable procurement

ICLEI Member Malmö (Sweden) will host a knowledge exchange programme from 6-8 March 2019, which will focus on contract management for strategic and sustainable public procurement.

Together with contract managers from Malmö’s purchasing, cleaning and transport services, participants in this exchange will talk about market analysis before tender and will go through the criteria for the evaluation of tenders.

The exchange, which is taking place as part of the UrbanWINS CityMatch Programme, welcomes politicians, policymakers, procurement officials, environmental and utilities service providers, and waste managers, amongst others. The goal is to bring people together to share knowledge, experience and working methods on sustainable and innovation procurement in the waste and resources sector.

Participants in the first UrbanWINS CityMatch had the opportunity to convene in Rome (Italy) to discover how furniture, circular procurement and Green Public Procurement monitoring work in practice. The second edition will take place next January in Zürich (Switzerland) and will shed light on the reuse of recycled concrete.

UrbanWINS is a three-year EU-funded project, which aims to develop and test methods for designing and implementing eco-innovative strategic plans for waste prevention and management.

For more information and to apply to take part in the exchange, click here.