ANN Radar - Hamburg, Germany

Status: Concluded

In Hamburg, HafenCity University implemented the project ANN (A New Normal) RADAR, aimed at developing a method and prototype of a decision-support system to identify urban test beds for climate mitigation action. ANN RADAR is designed as an innovation process (experimental governance) as a service, accumulating indicators for the choices of best suited city areas, taking into account local climate strategies, and the available environmental data for the longer term monitoring of environmental impact.

Three sustainability scenarios have been chosen:

  • solar potential and coverage for a pilot region test bed;
  • energy-efficient buildings on a district and smaller urban entity basis for a test bed;
  • local mobility logistic hubs as developing scenario with the European project 'Move21'.

The tool was inspired by A New Normal in Melbourne, Australia, which prototypes and pilots in the context of a sustainable Melbourne 2030. Below a representation of some of what the ANN RADAR tool features:




A contextual introduction and a guided tour of the tool are available in the ANN Radar Playbook.  The document includes user cases for external use in decision-making processes, as well as technical and scientific references for transfer, adaptation and scalability purposes, making the methodology, principles and the exemplary data dimensions transparent to professional stakeholders involved in these processes. Municipalities, climate plan and engagement consultancies, academic institutions initiating and managing urban experimentation are at the core of the focus. The Hamburg cases can easily be adapted in other local municipalities with similar stakeholder scenarios.

The ANN Radar Playbook consists of four content sections:

  • Introduction of the overall ANN RADAR principles and the contextual information regarding urban living labs and stakeholder and citizens engagement;
  • Guided tour of the ANN RADAR prototype leading through a realistic scenario for identifying urban test beds for sustainability and climate mitigation action;
  • Selected stakeholder cases, where the climate consultancy presents how they could use ANN RADAR in their municipal engagements;
  • References such as data sources, literature and technical comments.




ANN RADAR started operationally on 14 December 14 2020. Its architecture enabled the project to rapidly explore combinations of data sets, leveraging and integrating various data sources to support its data-driven approach towards stakeholder engagement and participation. The project assessed data from various districts from Hamburg and explored options with data providers and partners like LGV and MySmartLife. Mostly data provided by the City of Hamburg was used, especially from the urban data hub and some data collected manually from documents and DIPAS (digital participation system of the city).

The inclusion of data layers for existing urban test beds and model quarters enhances the overall view on urban experimentation potentials, enabling the tool to provide broad and deep data-based views on locations and high-potential support decision-making based on evidence.

The repository including build instructions are publicly available here.

HafenCity University



Located in Hamburg, Germany, HafenCity University – University for the Built Environment and Metropolitan Studies - is specialized on sustainable cities and the built environment, including competencies in engineering, natural, social and cultural sciences. Cooperating in a broad international network throughout Europe and the world, the HCU is driven by research, encompassing basic research, applied research as well as design research.

HafenCity's proposal for the ANN Radar was chosen to receive funding through the ICLEI Action Fund because of its integrated approach involving different topics - such as solar potential, energy efficiency and mobility - and for its connection with urban data. The added value was the connection to existing plans and projects (SECAP, SUMP, mySmartLife, IURC) and the potential to scale up the support tool within the City of Hamburg and transfer to other cities.