
6 October 2023

Izmir Metropolital Municipality to work with ICLEI to build community-led resilience approaches

ICLEI Member Izmir (Türkiye) has been named one of only eleven cities worldwide selected to join the Climate Resilience for Communities Project ('Toplumlar için İklim Dayanıklılığı Projesi' in Turkish) to enhance local resilience to climate-related risks like flooding and extreme heat. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality will work to address increasing exposure to climate hazards alongside ICLEI, Zurich Insurance Group Türkiye, and Z Zurich Foundation.

As the core component of the project, Izmir will leverage the Z Zurich Foundation’s Climate Resilience Measurement for Communities (CRMC) framework, building resilience and supporting its 4.4 million residents by following a four-step approach:

  1. Identify and engage with urban communities in need;
  2. Conduct in-depth analysis of each community’s climate-related issues;
  3. Plan, develop, deliver customised solutions;
  4. Capture learnings and scale the programme.

One thing I’ve learnt in life is that small steps are always more sustainable,” explained Mayor of Izmir Municapility Tunç Soyer. “The key to success in any project is to start this way. I know that we can move forward and achieve more ambitious goals; this starting point is therefore very valuable. Moreover, this project has the potential to become a good model for other local governments and municipalities. Such projects will contribute to urban management practices, and I want to thank our partner for this opportunity!

Collaboration is at the centre of the project. Inclusive methodologies like baseline assessments and opportunities for participation will drive the development of community-based resilience solutions. Working both with members of the city government and with communities, the project will identify and focus on two communities – with a particular focus on areas vulnerable to floods, heatwaves and wildfires – with which to co-create climate resilience measures and programmes. Local academic institutions, NGOs, and community champions will be engaged to mobilise communities and ensure the programme's inclusivity.

ICLEI is proud to stand alongside a city like Izmir that is so proactive and committed to securing a sustainable and resilient future for residents. Working hand-in-hand with local authorities and communities, we aim to empower vulnerable populations and catalyse transformative change within urban systems. In this regard, Izmir serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when cities embrace sustainability wholeheartedly,” says Gino van Begin, Secretary General of ICLEI.

A comprehensive monitoring system will assess the impacts of the programme through defined targets, and lessons learnt from local community groups and NGOs will be shared with other project cities. Results will be a starting point to scale-up climate adaptation efforts in vulnerable communities worldwide. Read more in the full press release here.