
Search Result ( 10 - 18 from 158 )

7 March 2024

One-Stop-Shops facilitate the renovation wave

Over the past decade, Europe has weathered several crises (such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the energy crisis, to name but two) that highlighted the centrality of the buildings in which people reside, work and enjoy leisure activities. To meet overarching sustainability and just transition goals, it...

6 March 2024

New guidebook shows how to advance circular cultural tourism

The tourism sector is undergoing a transformation to become more sustainable and resource efficient. To facilitate this change, a new Guidebook is available to show cities and regions how they can “go beyond cultural tourism” and embrace the circular approaches for heritage-led, regional...

27 February 2024

New event series spotlights local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL

Communities across Europe are key to making the European Green Deal work, but a central question is: how? That question, and the pursuit of the answers, guide the new online event series Local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL. Through a blend of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) perspectives,...

14 February 2024

European-wide Support Facility assists municipalities transitioning towards more sustainable local energy planning

The transition toward more affordable, secure and sustainable energy is a priority for city planners in actioning strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning and decision-making. The European-wide Act!onHeat Support Facility, of which ICLEI is a partner, is available to all local energy planner...

7 February 2024

Rotterdam employs a collective approach to transform homes and communities

Only 1% of European homes meet sustainability targets, with very diverse factors influencing the homeowners´ decision to renovate. In ICLEI Member Rotterdam (the Netherlands) as in the rest of the the Netherlands, this number is estimated to 6-8% of homes. Recognising the urgency of the s...

1 February 2024

ICLEI and partners rally support for a science-based EU 2040 climate target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition are rallying broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 expected in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joi...

26 January 2024

New ICLEI leadership sets out a joint strategic work plan and agenda until 2027

Mayors of the newly elected ICLEI European Regional Executive Committee (RexCom) came together in Brussels (Belgium) for the first time of their three-year mandate to set out a shared agenda and work plan for the organisation. Priorities of the joint work plan include putting in place action towards...

25 January 2024

40 EU cities come together in Brussels to call for an ambitious future EU urban policy

Yesterday, ICLEI RexCom Members Aalborg (Denmark) and Antwerp (Belgium), as well as ICLEI Europe Regional Director Wolfgang Teubner took the stand at a high-level event discussing the future of the EU urban policy with 40 of Europe’s biggest cities, hosted by Perspective Brussels, the urban pl...

18 January 2024

Greek cities can apply for financial support for data-driven climate action through ICLEI Action Fund

With rising temperatures and vulnerability to climate-related events, Greek cities grapple with environmental challenges like energy poverty, heat waves, and infrastructure vulnerability. To combat this, Greece must drive a sustainable energy transition to mitigate the impacts of climate change whil...