
Search Result ( 55 - 63 from 65 )

17 July 2020

Only two weeks left to apply for the 2020 Transformative Action Award

With only two weeks left before applications close, don’t miss your chance to win €10,000 and become recognised as a leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2020 Transformative Action Award. The award, co-organised by ICLEI, the Basque Country, and the City of Aalborg (Denmar...

22 June 2020

2023 European Green Capital and 2022 European Green Leaf Awards now accepting applications

Earlier this month, the European Commission launched the competition for the 2023 European Green Capital (EGCA 2023) and the 2022 European Green Leaf (EGLA 2022) Awards, recognising cities that are genuinely committed to becoming more sustainable. This year, the financial prize for both Awards will...

31 March 2020

2020 Transformative Action Award now accepting applications

Win 10,000 EUR and gain recognition as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2020 Transformative Action Award. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, we face extremely challenging situations in Europe and beyond. As the pandemic unfolds, local and regional governments are...

4 February 2020

Bonn backs up climate emergency with catalogue of 150 climate measures

On 4 July 2019, the City of Bonn (Germany) joined other towns, cities, and even countries across the world in calling a climate emergency, through which affirming that climate protection must have top priority in all municipal action. Since then, the City has been working hard to turn their declara...

29 January 2020

Basque municipalities provide practical guidance on localising the Sustainable Development Goals

Municipalities seeking guidance on localising Agenda 2030 and its associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can now make use of a guidance document published by ICLEI Member Udalsarea - a network of over 200 Basque municipalities committed to sustainability. The document, which is titled "Loc...

27 January 2020

ICLEI joins call urging EU leaders to exclude fossil fuel support from Cohesion Policy funding

In the coming months, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the heads of state and government in the European Council are expected to reach an agreement on whether or not fossil fuels will be excluded from Cohesion Policy funding, 2021-2027. Cohesion Policy funding aims to reduce te...

25 September 2019

Zurich and Ghent win procurement awards at 2019 Procura+ awards ceremony

The biggest successes in public procurement were honored last night at the 2019 Procura+ Awards ceremony, which took place during the Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger (Norway). ICLEI Members Ghent (Belgium) and Zurich (Switzerland) were winners in their respective categories, fighting off strong compe...

23 September 2019

ICLEI Mayors take up UNECE challenge to plant more trees

Urban areas are responsible for an estimated 75 percent of C02 emissions worldwide, making city-level action critical for global efforts to address the climate emergency. One simple yet powerful way cities can reduce climate change and become more sustainable and resilient, is planting trees. Strat...

20 September 2019

Mayors representing 8,000 European Cities call for climate proofing of EU and national budgets

As youth from across the world take to the streets today, in a Global Climate Strike for the Future, City leaders representing the European Covenant of Mayors have come together to demand the climate proofing of budgets at an EU and national level. Climate proofing is about analysing every euro com...