
15 July 2024

ICLEI collaborates to create novel stakeholder visioning tool

Lack of a common language can be a barrier to both communication and participation - key components of inclusive and equitable stakeholder engagement. To address this, open science for open societies (os4os), a non-profit that promotes science, research and education, created the concept of a food hero — key actors, either real or imagined, who play pivotal roles in transforming local food systems. These heroes could be anyone from a chef building local supply chains to an urban gardener supplying fresh produce to local schools. These illustrated or collaged characters are capable of improving the food system with the wave of a magic wand, a ladle, or a shovel, as the case may be. By focusing on art and creativity, and avoiding the limitations of the real world, food hero visioners are encouraged to think up wild, creative, and ultimately innovative solutions to combat challenges in their local food systems.

ICLEI Europe has taken the food hero idea, originally created for use with children, and made it suitable for all ages. Through a series of guiding questions, stakeholders can move from the realm of the fantastical –a hero with a super power- to the real world - to visualise how their envisioned changes might actually be brought about. 

Launched at a workshop during the Nature of Cities Festival in June, the food heroes exercise resulted in a sugar fairy, capable of reducing the processed sugar content of meals with the wave of their wand; a frog whose hops left behind plants bearing delicious fruits and veggies; and a super cooking Grandma, whose table was large enough to ensure that everyone has a seat and is fed a delicious and nutritious meal.

The session highlighted several key takeaways:

  • Food as a Connector: Food bridges cultural divides, fostering global connections and shared experiences.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Solutions should reflect the diverse viewpoints shaped by participants' backgrounds and professions.
  • Effective Communication: Engaging visuals and innovative communication methods are crucial for conveying complex ideas.
  • Collaborative Creativity: Group activities can lead to productive, enjoyable, and innovative solutions.
  • Empowerment through Engagement: Everyone can be a food hero, contributing to meaningful change in their communities.

Two EU-funded projects, in which ICLEI is active, plan to use the learnings from this workshop in their ongoing work: FEAST and FoodCLIC. This methodology will be added to relevant online resources and toolboxes, further promoting community-driven food system innovation.

Stay tuned for the release of workshop results and upcoming initiatives from FEAST and FoodCLIC, as they continue to inspire and empower communities to build sustainable and just food systems.