
17 August 2018

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2018 to place a spotlight on multimodality

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2018, an annual campaign of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), will this year, from 16-22 September, place a spotlight on multimodality.

Since 2002, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, the largest Europe-wide awareness-raising campaign of its kind, has sought to improve public health and quality of life through promoting clean mobility and sustainable urban transport.

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK gives people the opportunity to explore the role of mobility in their daily lives and to experiment with practical solutions to urban transport challenges, including air pollution and road accidents. It culminates in the trademark car-free day on 22 September.

EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc has declared 2018 the ‘Year of Multimodality’, which has defined the theme of this year’s EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK. The call to action “Mix and Move!” encourages people to see how their daily travel needs can be met more efficiently, more cost-effectively, and more enjoyably by mixing transport modes.

Embracing the concept of multimodality means rethinking the way we move about our cities, and having the willingness to try out new forms of mobility. From local authorities’ perspective, it requires the political will to support alternative transport methods.

The European Commission hopes this year’s campaign will encourage people to explore the many different options available for getting from A to B, and to think about the mode that best suits their particular journey.

Cities, NGO’s, Businesses and Schools are invited to participate in this year’s campaign by registering their MOBILITYACTION on the campaign website.

For more information and to register, click here.