
24 April 2018

ICLEI to organise two policy sessions as part of European Sustainable Energy Week

Join ICLEI in Brussels (Belgium) on 5 - 7 June at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) to take part in a series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe.

EUSEW brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power.

ICLEI is organising two policy sessions to share its expertise and show best practices from the energy and smart city projects that it is taking part in.

On Wednesday 6 June, 16.00-17.30 (CET), ICLEI will moderate a session titled: "The contribution of energy smart solutions to social cohesion in cities".

Lighthouse cities are leading the transition to a sustainable future with innovative solutions, in great part related to energy. These changes have very direct effects on citizens, on their living conditions, the price of energy, the planning of neighbourhoods and the creation of new skilled jobs.

This session will look at the impact of smart energy solutions on social cohesion through the experience and best practices of European projects. From the planning to the implementation of smart energy solutions, the session will propose ideas to think and integrate the impact of these measures on citizens.

On Thursday 7 June, 11:00-12:30 (CET), ICLEI will organise a session title “Shaping an integrated market for hot findings and cool solutions”.

Energy transition and heating and cooling (H&C) systems are at the centre of energy policy-making on all levels to reduce emission levels. Even still, challenges remain in identifying and implementing locally-suitable solutions.

The interactive panel discussion will focus on discovering effective market tools, transferable practices and cutting-edge H&C solutions driving the decarbonisation of Europe's energy systems.

With the latest findings of the Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) flagship research initiative building the framework, the expert panel will seek to encourage the rethinking of Europe’s H&C through holistic and next-generation solutions and to present technically and economically-feasible pathways to decarbonise H&C.

For more information and to register for the events, click here.