
27 March 2018

WinWind enhances socially inclusive wind energy

WinWind has officially launched its new website showing the project's work to enhance the socially inclusive and environmentally sound market uptake of wind energy by increasing its social acceptance in wind energy scarce regions.

The project explores barriers to wind energy uptake, strives to create region specific approaches and tailor made solutions, and transfer best practices to other wind energy scarce regions.

Bringing together diverse groups of stakeholders the project centres around the Stakeholder Desks in the six project countries Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Spain, whose on-the-ground work is centrally featured on the website.

WinWind is part of the EU's drive to increase the share of renewable energy sources to 27% of its final energy consumption by 2030 and is funded under the Horizon 2020 programme.      

The newly launched project website also features a blog that allows for stakeholders in and beyond the project to share and comment on central questions, project results, as well as European and global trends and policies.

For more information, visit the WinWind website.