
30 April 2019

Towns and cities encouraged to register for EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK 2019

European towns and cities are invited to test out more sustainable forms of mobility this September by taking part in EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2019. In many European cities, transport is still dominated by private vehicles, resulting in lower air quality, less public space and noisier, more dangerous streets. EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK puts the spotlight on modes of transport that are better for the environment and people’s health, providing local governments with an opportunity to explore the benefits that switching to a more sustainable mobility culture could have.

Registration for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, which takes place every year from 16 – 22 September, is now open and can be completed through filling in an online form. All towns and cities, both in Europe and beyond, can take part in EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK regardless of size or whether they have taken part in the past.

2018 was the most successful year for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK to date, with almost 2,800 towns and cities participating from 54 countries. By taking part in EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, towns and cities are joining one of the world's largest movements celebrating sustainable mobility. The week is a unique opportunity to present sustainable mobility alternatives to local residents and to showcase the benefits of cleaner transport choices. Every town or city that registers is displayed on the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK website.

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is celebrated under an annual theme related to a different aspect of sustainable transport – this year’s theme is ‘safe walking and cycling’.

People across the continent are encouraged to ‘Walk with us!’ in 2019, experiencing the benefits of going by foot for themselves. Active transport modes such as walking and cycling are emission-free and help to keep our hearts and bodies healthy. Cities that promote walking and cycling over private vehicles have also been found to be more attractive, with less congestion and a higher quality of life.

In terms of individual health benefits, studies show that cyclists on average live two years longer than non-cyclists and take 15 percent fewer days off work through illness, while 25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to a lifespan.

A short video has been produced that outlines how going by foot is a great way to not only stay fit, but to see your town or city in a different way.

Towns and cities that excel in holding EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK activities are recognised at an annual award ceremony. Lisbon (Portugal) was revealed as the winner of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award 2018 for larger municipalities, with Lindau (Germany) taking home the award for smaller municipalities.

The awards were presented to the cities by Commissioner Violeta Bulc, responsible for Transport, and Jürgen Müller, Head of Cabinet for Karmenu Vella, the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

At the award ceremony, the 7th award for sustainable urban mobility planning was also presented. Greater Manchester (United Kingdom) won the SUMP award, impressing the jury with its use of smart, new technologies to increase the share of journeys made using sustainable modes of transport.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: “I would like to sincerely congratulate the winning cities, all of whom carried out inspiring activities to promote sustainable urban mobility. They are true examples of how local leaders across Europe are combining different modes of transport to make our cities cleaner, safer and more sustainable. This year I am looking forward to seeing more such impressive actions from towns and cities joining the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign as they celebrate under the theme of ‘Walk with us!’.”

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is organised with the political and financial support of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission. ICLEI supports the campaign as part of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Secretariat.

For more information on the campaign, visit