
19 July 2024

Apply to protect Europe’s endangered heritage sites

All over Europe, our shared cultural heritage is faced with increasing threats: natural and human-made disasters, climate-change impacts, conflicts, neglect, unsuitable development, or lack of funds. If you know of important heritage sites in Europe that are endangered, nominate it for the “7 Most Endangered Programme 2025” and join us in our efforts to save our heritage! Both tangible and intangible heritage are eligible for the programme, regardless of whether it is publicly or privately owned.

Launched in 2013, the 7 Most Endangered Programme forms part of a civil society campaign to save Europe's endangered heritage. The 2025 edition invites nominations of heritage endangered by current or projected climate change hazards. Nominations of heritage endangered by both slow-onset events (sea level rise, changing seasonality) and rapid-onset events (wildfires, extreme flooding) are welcomed. The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2024.

In acknowledgment of significant crises prevailing on our continent, including conflicts, post-conflict environments, and natural disasters, we strongly encourage applications from individuals and organisations who live in these affected areas. The imperative for Europe to uphold its core values – human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, citizens’ participation, and other human rights – particularly in the current political climate, underscores the need to protect our heritage. This protection extends beyond the physical preservation of sites; it encompasses the safeguarding of our sense of belonging, cultural diversity, and heritage as testimonies of the past and its values.

This programme aligns with ongoing efforts by ICLEI to support the recovery and long-term resilient rebuilding of Ukrainian towns and cities, initiated at the European Urban Resilience Forum 2022 (EURESFO). ICLEI Europe has joined the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, supporting the recovery and respectful rebuilding of Ukrainian towns and cities.

For more information, visit Call for Nominations.

To submit your online application, visit