The Big Buyers Working Together (BBWT) Project, coordinated by ICLEI Europe alongside Eurocities and BME on behalf of the European Commission, aims to help public buyers across Europe to find innovative and sustainable solutions to their current procurement challenges. To build the foundation for four years of collaboration, the Project is currently in the Needs Assessment Phase. All public buyers are invited to participate in the consultations by filling in the survey. The deadline, previously 25 June, has been extended to give all public buyers an opportunity to voice their needs and recommendations.
When talking about public buyers, BBWT refers to all public purchasing entities, so anyone who is involved in public procurement on a contracting authority’s side, is welcome to contribute. Filling in the survey takes around 15 minutes and the recommendations can shape the next four years of this flagship project. Public procurers that fill in the survey also have the opportunity to join the project.
Based on the Needs Assessment, ten communities of practice will be created on the Public Buyers Community, a new platform developed by the European Commission. Each community of practice will be devoted to the purchase of a specific product, work or service where European collaboration is needed. To support the process of developing more strategic procurement approaches, public buyers will meet regularly online and in person. Additionally, the Big Buyers Working Together Secretariat will facilitate organising study visits, market dialogue, producers’ pitching sessions, meetings with industry associations and other events that will respond to identified capacity gaps and community members’ needs.
For more information, visit the BBWT website and watch the recording of the Kick-off Webinar.
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